
Jess K
Jan 13, 2022
An expensive picture of fingers typing on an expensive laptop. The chance they are blogging is greater than zero.

My perception of blogs has not changed since roughly 1999. So 2022 seems like an excellent year to start a new one.

On this web-log I will write shit. Some of it might be good or interesting- but that’s beside the point. The point being that I am old and autistic and queer and I don’t fucking care anymore.

When I’m hyperfixated on something, maybe I’ll write a thousand words about it. Like how I’m neck-deep in Metal Gear Solid right now. Or how I got really into the basic concept of “traversing rough terrain” because I played a bunch of SnowRunner last year.

Maybe I’ll write fiction. Maybe I’ll start fiction and never finish it- that’s more likely.

Maybe you’ll even get poetry.

Regardless; what you will get, every time, is Jess.

